CITIES SUMMIT 2010 A vision for the future of cities requires faith in the stability of the inherent and planned systems that underlie their development. As provocateurs we embrace the unintended byproducts of these systems. These we call artifacts and in elevating them we seek to define a method for designing the complexity and fluidity that are integral to the existence of cities. We propose an anti-vision. Not a desire to predict the future or to imagine an idealised one, but instead to acknowledge the non-linear interaction of influences which generate our urban conditions and to develop a set of methodologies to operate within the instability of complex systems. Our interest is in the emergent complex order of the city.
Roland Snooks / Johan van Schaik / Esther Anatolitis / Andrew Burrow / Oliver Freeman / Simon Goodrich / Ash Keating / Ari Petrovs / Lou Weis / Robyn Williams |